Subject: TROI: V1.01 The Realm Of Illu... Author: Bill Kennedy (Ficus Software) Uploaded By: BillKen666 Date: 2/11/1996 File: #TROI101.ZIP (195918 bytes) Estimated Download Time (25094 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 1600 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, BBS Host Software Keywords: Kennedy, Ficus, BBS, Door, RPG, Interact, Fight, Fantasy Type: Shareware Uploaded by Author The Realm of Illuryia is a BBS Door Game set in the fantasy world of Illuryia. You can interact with other real people via in-game mail, fighting, and even things such as player romances! BBS door games don't allow for enough player-to-player interaction except for messages and the age old fighting. There is no real point to most of these games except to kill monsters and other players, so you can get more powerful so you can kill MORE monsters and players. There is the fair share of killing in Illuryia but the authors have tried to add more ways to interact and reward players for working in groups. Here are just a few examples of features that make Illuryia really stand out from the rest. - Three unique character classes that play completely differently from each other. For example, Rogues can rob the bank, warriors can forge their own custom weapons, Mages can summon creatures against other players -- these are only a few of the ways in which the classes differ. In the registered version, it is possible to become an ultra powerful class such as a knight! - Player romances, marriages, even affairs! - A king and queen can rule Illuryia from thier own palace! (registered versions only) - Certain players will have the ability to do things such as manage the inn, be employed as guards at various locations, become special classes such as knights, become the head of their guild, etc. Real people take real parts in the Illuryian world! - Ability to obtain one of a kind items with special powers! - Players can join guilds and perform special actions within them! For example, if a few mages get together in a guild, they can collectively cast special spells (rituals) that have the potential to affect the entire game world! Or in the rogue's guild, the guildmaster can lead a raid on the castle with all of the guildmembers. In these raids, royal knights (also real players) may come to the king and queen's (real players too!) defense and a massive melee may ensue that the player's will talk about for days! (registered versions only) - Over 300 unique creatures to fight and 150 items to obtain! - Much, much, more (play it and see)! New since previous version: - Player listing now shows class correctly when there are knights in play. - The "Seek Asylum" bug has been corrected (registered versions). - The stone golem has been made easier to defeat (registered versions). - Major bug that would cause the game to crash while reading messages if a player used certain characters in it has been fixed (delete your MAIL.TXT file if this happened to you). - Players can now quit the item listing in the store without having to go through the whole thing. - Minor cosmetic changes here and there. To run in local mode, type ILLURYIA ILLURYIA.CFG /L at the DOS prompt after decompressing the archive. Documentation: READ.ME, SYSOP.DOC, ILLURYIA.DOC Downloads of Previous Version(s): 174